The HTMLViewer control provides both HTML rendering and basic navigation. It leverages technologies that are installed on the platform targeted. On Mac OS X, it will use WebKit which Apple's Safari is based upon. WebKit is installed by default on Mac OS X 10.3 and higher, and is available for download for Mac OS X 10.2. On Windows, it will utilize Internet Explorer. On Linux, it will utilize Mozilla.
IsAvailable as Boolean
This property reflects as to whether the HTMLViewer was able to load up the libraries for the platform it is running on.
DocumentBegin( URL as String )
Fires when the web page is starting to load.
DocumentProgressChanged( URL as String, percentage as Integer )
Fires when the progress has been updated. If percentage is -1, a percentage cannot be determined.
DocumentComplete( URL as String )
Fires when the web page is finished loading.
NewWindow() as HTMLViewer
Fires when a new window should open up. Return a new instance of an HTMLViewer to load the new page in that viewer, or return nil if you wish to not allow the window to open.
Error( errorNumber as Integer, errorMessage as String )
Fires when an error occurs.
TitleChanged( newTitle as String )
Fires when the title of the web page has been determined or changed.
StatusChanged( newStatus as String )
Fires when the status text has changed for the window.
CancelLoad( URL as String ) as Boolean
Return true to cancel loading the web page. This fires before DocumentBegin.
SecurityChanged( IsSecure as Boolean )
Fires when the document's security has changed. For example, entering a secure website will cause this event to fire. This is not available on Linux.
LoadURL( URL as String )
Loads the URL specified.
LoadPage( source as String, relativeTo as FolderItem )
Loads the HTML given to it. Any links will be resolved relative to the "relativeTo" folderitem specified.